Smart Songs Geography

Explore Hungary's Diverse Landscapes

Geographic Regions of Hungary /Magyarország nagytájai/ is an educational campaign thoughtfully crafted as a teaching aid for Hungarian elementary schools, providing a comprehensive overview of each unique Hungarian region. Accessible through the National Public Education Portal, this campaign invites students to discover the rich geographical tapestry of Hungary.

Transdanubian Central Mountains (Dunántúli-középhegység)

Northern Central Mountains (Északi-középhegység)

Little Hungarian Plain (Kisalföld)

Great Hungarian Plain (Alföld)

Subalpine Region (Alpokalja)

Transdanubian Hills (Dunántúli-dombvidék)

"We've never seen Hungary's geographical regions like this before!"

Smart Songs Hungarian Grammar

Szómiszó: A Lively Approach to Hungarian Grammar!

This engaging campaign is presented as a series of 10 captivating videos, specifically crafted as a teaching aid for elementary schools. It introduces Hungarian grammar rules in a humorous poem format. By transforming grammar into memorable lyrics, students not only enjoy the entertainment but also internalize essential language rules. Szómiszó stands as your comprehensive teaching companion for the Hungarian Grammar subject in elementary schools."

The series is available at our channel at Okosdalok on Youtube.

Smart Songs Mathematics

Multiplication made easy through catchy songs!

Embark on a journey with our campaign—a collection of 10 engaging videos thoughtfully designed as an educational resource for elementary schools. This series presents the multiplication table in a delightful poetic format. Through catchy tunes and memorable verses, kids can effortlessly grasp and memorize the intricacies of the multiplication table.

The series is available at our channel at Okosdalok on Youtube.

School curriculum transformed into popsongs on M2 Children's Channel!


Science Communication